If you have top and bottom rods for the back sling for this type ofchairs, you should have sent us the back and seat sling, so we would replicate it. Before you remove the old sling please take pictures of your original chairs and memorize step by step how you removed your slings, so you can install them in the same way.

Please send to: Slings Repair Store
5417 Wiles Road, #302 Coconut Creek , FL – 33073

Please contact our customer service if you should have any
If you have a welded bar, at the back or at the bottom of your Chair or Swivel Rocker or Chaise Lounge, you need to clamp the frames with the pipe clamp to release the tension of sling rails, so you could insert the new sling into the channel.
If your Sling Rail (Rail that holds the Slings) is assembled over the Chaise Lounge frame or the Chair Frame, you need to use a reversed pipe clamp (stretched bar) to spread open the sling rail over the welded frames, so you could insert the new sling into the channel.
If your Sling Rail (Rail that holds the Slings) is assembled over the Chaise Lounge frame or the Chair Frame, you need to use a reversed pipe clamp (stretched bar) to spread open the sling rail over the welded frames, so you could insert the new sling into the channel.


Slings Repair Store is not responsible for any damage caused to your sling frames or to sling fabric.

Those using the information in this guideline so at their own discretion.